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- Phone: (831)465-3300
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2701 Cabrillo College Drive | Aptos, CA 95003
Service Times
- Saturday: 6PM
- Sunday: 9 & 11AM
Here are most of our global partners that TLC supports. A few cannot be listed as they serve in closed countries. We have a beautiful printed booklet that highlights each of our partners and is a great tool in getting to know them as well as how to pray for them. If you would like a printed copy, you can pick one up at the church office or email and we can mail a copy to you.
The Barker family is serving the Lord in Choma, Zambia, Africa. Theirr vision is to facilitate sports training and soccer/volleyball tournaments with their Zambian partners. Sports evangelism will give them the opportunity to develop relationships, and share the truth of the gospel. Organizing sports activities also gives the Zambian youth an opportunity to focus on being a good teammate, learning from a godly coach, and playing a game they love instead of the prevalent lifestyle of alcohol, sex and abuse.
Bart will facilitate a discipleship program for those who receive the Lord as their personal Savior. They will be working with local Zambian led churches in order to create a place for new believers to be baptized, worship, serve and fellowship. Lord willing, Bart also plans on using his 15 years of law enforcement/military training to create relationships with local law enforcement. Bart plans on using his experience to teach Zambian law enforcement new and much needed skills.
Kelly has a passion for kids and will be serving in the youth ministries at Grace Baptist Church in Choma. God has gifted Kelly as a successful business woman and she plans on using those skills to help some of the women within the local church find opportunities to make a living. Kelly will also be homeschooling their two youngest children Caleb and Brooklyn. Their oldest son Bryce will be taking online courses in order to finish high school. Bryce is a gifted athlete and will be partnering with them in their sports evangelism ministry.
You can follow Bart and Kelly’s soccer ministry (football in Zambia) on Facebook here: