Friday, December 1, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
2017 WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS TEAFriday, December 1st @ 7pm | Saturday, December 2nd @ 10:30am & 6pm
• COST: $20 per person. Please don’t allow cost to prohibit your attendance.
Complimentary tickets will be given upon request and availability.
• GENERAL TICKETS are available beginning November 11th after each of the
weekend services at TLC. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis,
with a maximum of 4 tickets per person.
• CHINA/TABLE HOSTESS may purchase up to 5 tickets per table hosted prior
to general sales. Please see back page regarding how to be a China Hostess.
Hostess tickets become available November 4th.
• WAITING LIST: We highly encourage you to put your name on the waiting list
if a tea sells out. As return tickets come in, we refund them then resell to
those on the waiting list. If you find you will be unable to attend, please
return your tickets as soon as possible and we will attempt to resell them
to our waiting list.