We offer a variety of programs for all ages to help TLC attenders connect for great spiritual growth and fellowship!
- Alpha is a space for honest conversations about life, faith, and meaning. Come to this 8 week experience with your honest questions about faith and explore them with others. There's a seat at the table for you!
- Wondering if Alpha is for you? Check out this video and find out!
- Sundays, 9am, Room 8122
- Questions:

- Sundays , 9am, Rm. 8111.
- Worship, prayer, and Bible Study for younger middle-aged adults to empty nesters.
- Questions:
- Sundays, 10:30am, Rm 8121
- An interactive in-depth Bible study for senior adults
Joyful Noise
- Sundays, 9am, Rm 7104
- Class for adults with developmental disabilities
- Questions: contact Greg Lewis at
- Find help and healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. Topics include facing depression, loneliness, new relationships, financial survival, kid care, forgiveness, and others.
- Classes are offered in-person or online and include a DVD, workbook, and class discussion with facilitators.
- The cost is $20. Classes are 13 weeks in duration. No registration is needed.
- For more information go to tlc.org/divorcecare contact Pastor Jim Josselyn,
/ 831-465-3331.
Next Steps
- If you’re considering making Twin Lakes Church your home, and putting your roots down here, Next Steps series is for you! It's designed as an intro to the Christian faith and specifically to Twin Lakes Church. You’ll learn who we are, what we’re about, what it means to be a Christian and the tools for growing in your faith. If you’d like to be baptized, this is also the class for you.
Click here to see the upcoming dates: tlc.org/nextsteps