Contact Us
- Phone: (831)465-3300
- Email:
- Address:
2701 Cabrillo College Drive | Aptos, CA 95003
Service Times
- Saturday: 6PM
- Sunday: 9 & 11AM
New trailer coming soon! We will be highlighting our partners in North Africa, Zambia and globally.
View the WOW 2025 schedule below (click on each day to view details) and plan to attend one or more of the many opportunities we have for you to hear from our global partners who are sharing the love of Christ all over the world while feeding the hungry, fighting injustice, and preserving cultures.
Our global partners will be in peoples' homes throughout the county or at TLC during the week for a more intimate gathering that allows you to get to know our partners and what they do around the world. Most of them have FILLED UP. Below are the events that still have space available at the moment.
Click below to sign up for a presentation.
12:30 PM - Barker (Zambia) and Najjar (Egypt) - 8111
12:30 PM - Brumme (North Africa) and Dalrymple (Global) - 8122
12:30 PM - Cammauf (India) and Shaw (Global) - 7106
Nyquist (Mercy Ships) and Taylor (Japan) - full!
Hashweh (Jordan) and Hillenga (India) - Scotts Valley - full!
Combrinck (Africa) and Ahern (Global) - Aptos - 5 spots only!
Millers (MAF Brazil) and Beyars (Global) - Watsonville - 4 spots only!
Fortunato (Global) and Pelton (Global) - Scotts Valley - 6 spots only!
If you're interested in possibly participating in one of our mission trips, go to to find out what trips are offered this year and how to apply. Questions? Email .